
Open Air Cinema Program

A celebration of Berlin’s music scene and examination of rap’s role in Iranian social movements.

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Open Air Cinema Program

A celebration of Berlin’s music scene and examination of rap’s role in Iranian social movements.

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Atelier Garden pres.: HOLY SHIT – Saving the world with shit (OmU) with Q&A with producer Valentin Thurn, panel and live Holy Shit Song

What happens to the food we digest after it leaves our bodies? Is it waste that is thrown away or a resource that can be reused?

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This week at the open-air cinema

Open Screening, Litauisches Kino, Ich Capitano, Documentale Special, Surf on Europe

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Solar Camp panel discussion

Prospects for photovoltaic expansion in Berlin

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Solarcamp for Future, Berlin

The energy transition needs many helping hands. Join us!

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Soil Social Club #27

Terra Preta Harvest and more!

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Atelier Gardens *Talk with Nora Bateson

Combining - An Ecology of Communication. Book Reading and Discussion with Nora Bateson

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Aikido in the Pink House

The way of harmony with Ki.

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Positive Planet Kino

The third edition highlights the Sustainable Culture of Resistance

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