Aikido in the Metal Workshop

Aikido was founded by Morihei Ueshiba and is a Japanese martial art that combines the training of mind and body. It is about overcoming oneself through practice and correct technique. The literal translation of Aikido is: The way of harmony with Ki.
After an intensive year at the Shoheijuku Dojo under Suganuma Sensei in Fukuoka, Omer Lusky has been the trainer of the Shofukan Dojo since 2012. Shofukan (School of the Blessed Wind) in Berlin is affiliated with Suganuma Sensei’s Shoheijuku Dojo in Fukuoka.

Aikido-Shofukan is offering three open trainings a week. Training is open to all people. The first sessions are free of charge, later you can decide to join the Dojo. Besides Atelier Gardens, training also takes place in the Kokugikan Dojo at Skalitzer Str. 33. More information here.

Monday 09:00-10:00,
Tuesday 19:00-20:00,
Thursday 17:00-18:00 (for children) and 18:00-19:00

Location: Atelier Gardens Metal Workshop


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