Originally premiered at Atelier Gardens, this special film is coming back to Atelier Gardens!

A feature documentary directed by Ville Tanttu, produced by Playart Productions, Finland. 52 minutes. Featuring David Rothenberg, Cymin Samawatie, Lembe Lokk, Korhan Erel, Benedicte Maurseth, Wassim Mukdad, Sanna Salmenkallio, Dietmar Todt, Tina Roeske, and others. After the film screening there will be a Q&A and singing by Ines Theileis (Ensemble Salonfähig), Singer and mediator between art and science, one of the collaborators of David Rotherberg for the film. Ines is also known for her Nightingale show in the Berlin Museum für Naturkunde. Then, together, we will go for a walk in search of Nightingales near Atelier Gardens…



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