2024 is here and we are ready to continue our communal gardening activities. Our year-round effort is creating Terra Preta soil substrate — the winter season is for preparation and planning.

Join us on Wednesday January 24th at 4pm for this month’s Soil Social Club: Preparing for Effective Micro-organisms.

Almost all organic materials from the Atelier Garden are first prepared to anaerobic fermentation. Over the course of several weeks, fermentation increases the total amount of microorganisms originally on the surface of material before composting it with earthworms.

This is how we prepare the earthworms’ favorite food!

In this edition, we will be preparing the microorganisms necessary for fermentation.If you want your garden or balcony plants to have more robust roots this year, or to create strong plants that can resist pests, don’t miss this opportunity.

We’ll meet at the Café in HAUS1. Use this opportunity to get together with the campus community, connect with soil, plants, learn something new, share your own knowledge, and grow something.



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