Entities such as maker and fab labs, energy cooperatives, Transition Towns and food hubs have a lot in common: they want change that can result in better lives for ALL. Wandel Lab invites all those that share in this endeavour to inspire each other, share skills and experiences, create synergies and develop strategies!

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Open Air Cinema Program

A celebration of Berlin’s music scene and examination of rap’s role in Iranian social movements.

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Atelier Garden pres.: HOLY SHIT – Saving the world with shit (OmU) with Q&A with producer Valentin Thurn, panel and live Holy Shit Song

What happens to the food we digest after it leaves our bodies? Is it waste that is thrown away or a resource that can be reused?

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This week at the open-air cinema

Open Screening, Litauisches Kino, Ich Capitano, Documentale Special, Surf on Europe

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